Hollywood's Dirt

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gossip and other stuff below


Lindsay Lohan admits that she was irresponsible, in a new interview with Vanity Fair-- before she went to jail.

The actress claims her wild days are behind her and her partying days were like her college years.

LiLo also said her father Michael was spreading rumors about her and that she never abused prescription drugs.

She adds that "I want my career back. I know that I'm a damn good actress, and it's been my passion since I was a child”.

n alcohol addiction: "If I were the alcoholic everyone says I am, then putting a [scram] bracelet on would have ended me up in detox, in the emergency room, because I would have had to come down from all the things that people say I'm taking and my father says I'm taking — so that says something, because I was fine."

On drug abuse: "I've never abused prescription drugs. I never have — never in my life. I have no desire to. That's not who I am. I've admitted to the things that I've done — to, you know, dabbling in certain things and trying things 'cause I was young and curious and thought it was like, O.K., 'cause other people were doing it and other people put it in front of me. And I see what happened in my life because of it."

On her father, Michael Lohan, unexpectedly showing up to her probation hearing:

On when she first moved to Los Angeles: "It was very go-go-go and I had a lot of responsibility; and I think just the second I didn't have (structure) anymore — I was 18, 19 — with a ton of money and no one really here to tell me that I couldn't do certain things … And I see where that's gotten me now, and I don't like it."

"The worst part of it is you turn around and you see your dad crying and normally you'd be, like, happy that your father's there. But then he has to go and do an interview right after."

Bethenny Frankel is leaving “The Real Housewives of New York” after three seasons.

Frankel says last season was scary and painful so she isn’t coming back for the fourth season. She spent most of the season fighting with cast mates Kelly Killoren Bensimon and Jill Zarin.

For now she will focus on her new Bravo reality show “Bethenny Getting Married?”

But a Bravo insider says Frankel is contractually bound to make a few appearances on 'Real Housewives' next season.

GOOD NEWS FROM MICHAEL DOUGLAS: HE'LL BEAT CANCER Actor Michael Douglas says he's expecting an "eight-week struggle" against throat cancer but he expects to beat it.

He told David Letterman he had just finished his first week of radiation and chemotherapy.

The disease was diagnosed three weeks ago, although he had complained of a very sore throat earlier this year and had undergone testing that never found a cause.

The 65 year-old Douglas said the cancer remains above the neck and that means expectations are good, with an 80 percent or better chance of recovery.

(Douglas stars in the upcoming film "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps," a sequel to "Wall Street" (1987), for which he won a best-actor Oscar.)


1. You Shouldn't Cut Off the Bread's Crust. It's Full of Vitamins.

The truth is: Researchers found that the baking process produces a cancer-fighting antioxidant in bread that is eight times higher in the crust than in the crumb. But, it's actually more important to serve whole-wheat bread, with or without the crust, because it's all around higher in nutrients. Make sure the ingredients list "100% whole-wheat flour." Breads just labeled "wheat" are usually made with a mixture of enriched white flour and whole-wheat flour so they have less fiber.

2. If You Go Out With Wet Hair, You'll Catch a Cold.

The truth is: You will feel cold but will be just fine healthwise. In one study, volunteers got a cold virus up their noses. Half the group stayed in a warm room while the rest took a bath and stood dripping wet in a hallway for half an hour, then got dressed but wore wet socks for a few more hours. The wet group didn't catch any more colds than the dry.

3. If You Cross Your Eyes, They'll Stay That Way.

The truth is: There's no harm in eye crossing. But if a child is doing this a lot, they might have other vision problems.

4. You Should Feed a Cold and Starve a Fever.

The truth is: In both cases, eat and drink, then drink some more. Staying hydrated is the most important thing to do, because you lose a lot of fluids when you're sick. There's no need for special beverages with electrolytes unless you're severely dehydrated from vomiting or diarrhea.

5. Gum Stays in Your Stomach for Seven Years.

The truth is: Fluids carry gum through the intestinal tract and it passes within days. Also, even though gum isn't easily broken down in the digestive system, it probably won't cause a stomachache.

6. An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away.

The truth is: A handful of blueberries a day will keep the doctor away more effectively. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and fiber. That said, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is important to prevent chronic illnesses like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

7. You Lose 75 Percent of Your Body Heat Through Your Head.

The truth is: It's important to make sure an infant's head remains covered in cold weather. But for an adult, the figure is more like 10 percent. And keep in mind that heat escapes from any exposed area, so putting on a hat is no more important than slipping on gloves.

8. To Get Rid of Hiccups, Have Someone Startle You.

The truth is: Most things like holding your breath or drinking from a glass of water backward, haven't been proven to work. But you can try swallowing one teaspoon of white granulated sugar. According to a study, that trick led 19 out of 20 people to stop hiccupping.

9. Eating Fish Makes You Smart.

The truth is: For kids up to age three or four, this is true. Fish, especially oily ones like salmon, are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which help with brain development, cognition, and visual acuity.

10. You Shouldn't Swim for an Hour After Eating.

The truth is: Splash away. After you eat, more blood flows to the digestive system and away from the muscles. The thinking was that if you exercised right after eating, that lack of blood would cause you to cramp up and drown. But that won't happen. You might have less energy to swim, but it shouldn't stop your ability to tread water or play.

11. Every Child Needs a Daily Multivitamin.

The truth is: Children who are solely breast-fed during their first year should be given a vitamin D supplement. After that, a multivitamin won't hurt anyone, but experts say that even if your child is in a picky phase, there's no need to sneak vitamins into the applesauce. Kids will eventually get what they need.

12. Warm Milk Will Help You Fall Asleep.

The truth is: Milk has small amounts of tryptophan, which is what's found in turkey. But you would have to drink gallons to get any effect.

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